
Queen of Katwe – Get Free Tickets!

Queen of Katwe is the true story of 10-year-old Phiona Mutesi (Nalwanga) who became a Chess Champion exposing her to a world outside the poor town of Katwe in Kampala, Uganda. Her mother, Harriet (Lupita Nyong’o), vigorously makes ends meet selling vegetables in the market.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Contests & Offers, Features, Film | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson

Saturday marks the 6th Annual “Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson” block party thrown in honor of his birthday by Spike Lee. This year will be hosted by Lee & Sway with music played by DJSPINNA. The location for the event is the same street that Lee’s, “Do the Right Thing” was filmed on in 1998. 

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community, Features, Music | Tags: , , , , ,

The Legacy of Rosie the Riveter

Over 2,100 participants gathered at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond on the 13th of August, to break the Guinness World record for most ‘Rosie the Riveters’ in one place. Women, men and children participated in the event to honor the trailblazers who stepped up to the call of duty during WWII. Original Rosie’s were in attendance including Agnes Moore, Kay Morrison, Marian Wynn, Primetta Giacopini, and Priscilla Elder. Moore, 96, worked in the Richmond Shipyards as a welder for 4 years.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community, Features, Leadership, Museums, Photography, Scene, Travel | Tags: , , , , , ,

Sausage Party – Film Review

The animated feature Sausage Party takes just that idea and gives adults a cartoon film just for them. The movie is raunchy, hilarious and filled with every sexual innuendo (the sausages want to hook up with buns), stereotype (the Sauerkraut bottles are Nazis), and food related joke (the Horseradish jars literally turn into horses) in the book. A film of this magnitude and content could only be co-written of course by one of the few duo’s in Hollywood that could pull this off, Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg, the stoner minds behind Superbad and Pineapple Express.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Features, Film | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Suicide Squad – Film Review

Suicide Squad is the movie many have been waiting for and has been on the minds of comic book fans for years. It features some of the most notable and iconic characters of the DC Comics universe and for non comic book readers, it introduces you to the world of a new set of anti-heroes. Ones that inspire both fear and lovability, a rare combination of expression to feel for a group of villains and sociopaths.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Features, Film | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

La Cage Aux Folles presented by BAY AREA MUSICALS!

The newly formed theatre organization, BAY AREA MUSICALS! is closing its inaugural season with multiple Tony Award winning play, La Cage Aux Folles. The show written by Harvey Fierstein (book) and Jerry Herman (music and lyrics) revolves around Georges (Clay David), the owner of Saint-Tropez drag cabaret “La Cage aux Folles”, his lover Albin (Michael RJ Campbell) who is also the clubs headliner as Zaza, and his son Jean-Michel (Jack O’Reilly) who’s recently announced his engagement to Anne Dindon (Bessie Zolno), daughter of hypocrite politician Edouard Dindon (Cameron Weston).

Categories: Arts, Features, Shows, Theatre & Musicals | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Netroots Nation arrives in St. Louis, MO

Netroots Nation, the country’s largest gathering of progressive activists kicked off their annual conference yesterday in St. Louis, MO. Last years event took place in Phoenix, Arizona where it’s central theme was on immigration. This year’s theme of racial justice brought the conference to Missouri where Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson in the city of Ferguson.

Categories: Community, Features, Talks, Workshops & Conferences | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Whales: Giants of the Deep at San Diego Natural History Museum

The traveling exhibition Whales: Giants of the Deep at theNat: San Diego Natural History Museum until September 5th gives San Diegans and San Diego tourists an up-close view into the environment and history of these stunning creatures. The display has already mesmerized audiences across the U.S. at the American Museum of Natural History, the Field Museum, and most recently the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Features, Film, Museums, Travel | Tags: , , , ,

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping – Film Review

The guys from Lonely Island, best known for their hilarious SNL digital shorts where they typically team up with famous singers or actors and make faux music videos, were finally handed the keys to make a full-length feature film. Naturally they took their usual style and spin on music and created a mockumentary about a Justin Bieber-esque character. In the film Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, we see the rise and fall of the legendary rapper and pop star Conner 4 Real (Andy Samberg).

Categories: Arts & Culture, Features, Film | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

CARNAVAL San Francisco

Carnaval San Francisco has been occurring on Memorial Day Weekend for 38 years. It celebrates the diverse Latin American and Caribbean roots that use to make up the Mission District. The diminishing population of Latinos lost to luxury condominiums, “hipster” stores and rising rent prices didn’t limit the representation of what once was. The parade included music, dance, and artistic expression that had attendees dancing, smiling, and taking photos to memorialize their experience. A pride could be felt in the air that told you, a part of us will always be here.

Categories: Arts, Arts & Culture, Community, Dance, Fashion, Features, Festivals, Photography, Scene | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

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