Author Archives: Ana Pines
The Birth of a Nation – Official HD Trailer Released
The Birth of a Nation will be released in theaters on October 7, 2016. The highly anticipated film created enormous buzz at Sundance winning the Grand Jury Prize for Drama and Audience Award for U.S. Drama. The film is set against the antebellum South and follows the character Nat Turner (Nate Parker), a literate slave and preacher, whose financially strained owner, Samuel Turner (Armie Hammer), accepts an offer to use Nat’s preaching to subdue unruly slaves.
Who Killed Kurt Cobain? Graphic Novel
Iconic singer/songwriter, Kurt Cobain left behind a phenomenal body of work, legions of fans, and a mystery… a final letter addressed to “Boddah.” Award-winning creator Nicolas Otero brings the story of this note to life in the forthcoming original graphic novel WHO KILLED KURT COBAIN? published by IDW Publishing. The announcement was made in the city that Cobain called home, Seattle during Emerald City Comic Con.
Walt Disney: The Man Behind the Mouse
The Walt Disney Family Museum opened in the Presidio of San Francisco on October 1, 2009 and was founded by Walt Disney’s eldest daughter, Diane Disney Miller who passed away in 2013. There is no argument that Disney is one of the more recognized brands in the world today. However, his daughter found it disturbing that that’s all it had become in the eyes of many. Her children encountered people that didn’t realize that there was an intricate story behind the Disney name that belonged to a human being, her dad.
Salvation Mountain – Off the Beaten Path
A few hours away from San Diego in Niland, Calif. 190 miles southeast of Los Angeles, in the lower desert of Southern California in Imperial County just east of the Salton Sea and about an hour and a half from Palm Springs, you will encounter Salvation Mountain.
Bridge 2 Bridge Cruise – San Francisco
A great way to learn about San Franciso history is by taking one of the short day cruises offered on the bay. The Bridge-to-Bridge tour operated by Red And White Fleet was not only educational but also romantic. It goes from the Golden Gate Bridge at the edge of the Pacific Ocean all the way to the Bay Bridge in the heart of San Francisco’s financial district and last 90 minutes.
The Jungle Book – Characters and Actors Side by Side
In a special photo shoot featuring Idris Elba, Scarlett Johansson, Lupita Nyong’o, Sir Ben Kingsley, Christopher Walken and Giancarlo Esposito, each actor is paired with their onscreen character.
Silicon Valley Comic Con – Photos
Silicon Valley Comic Con – Photos
Celebrities, Diversity, and Fans – SVCC
The best part of Silicon Valley Comic Con was watching fans getting a chance to interact with some of their favorite actors during spotlight sessions. Jeremy Lee Renner caught a fan off guard when she told him it was her birthday and he ran offstage to give her a hug.
Wozniak Immortalized in Wax – Silicon Valley Comic Con
The Bay Area came out strong this weekend for Silicon Valley Comic Con (SVCC). Long lines had many frustrated during the inaugural event. If anything, the crowd was proof that there was a void that needed to be filled. The Bay Area has long been missing a Comic Con event since WonderCon left for Anaheim in 2012. Eager fans waited patiently as dedicated volunteers scrambled to get answers for guests.